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The lighter the color, the more light it needs. But do not expose any variety to direct sunlight. The dark green varieties of Aglaonema can grow in shade. 



Once in a week

Aglaonema needs a humid climate to thrive. Hence, you should keep the plant watered, especially during summer. Generally, your routine should go once every 3 days for watering. You may reduce the frequency of watering during the winter season. But always remember to keep the soil moist, and do not let it dry out completely. They can however survive even without water or fertilizers for some days. 



Potting Mix

A mixture of soil, sand and powdered dry cow dung in loose soil can function as an ideal potting mix for your Aglaonemas. Make sure the cow dung used is perfectly dried. Else, it may result in fungal infection for the plants. If sand is not available for your potting mix, you may add cocopeat instead. But make sure to water the plant only after checking the wetness of the soil. You can also try fertilizers made out of leaves, vegetables, bone meal, ground leaves etc. If you are using chemical fertilizers, apply on the soil 17:17:17 mixture well-diluted in water. Make sure that the mixture doesn’t fall on the leaves or stems.




Dried and powdered cow dung makes an excellent medium for your Aglaonemas. This fertilizer can be applied once a month. You can also feed well-diluted liquid fertilizers prepared out of onion peels and banana peels.


Common Issues and Solutions

Instant decay and yellowing of leaves are the most common issues found with Aglaonemas. The presence of excess water in the soil which results in fungal infection is the main reason for this. Hence, always remember NOT to water the plant daily or excessively. This would gradually result in the decay of roots and leaves. Some unknowingly tend to water the plant along with watering other plants. To avoid this, you may group and keep your Aglaonema collection in one place.  Fungal infection on the leaves is another issue faced. For this, you may apply any organic or chemical fungicides and save your plant. In addition, some complain about the absence of any budding baby plants or new leaves. This happens due to the hardness of your potting mix. Always make sure that your potting mix is loose enough. 



Aglaonema is very easy to propagate in water or in soil via stem cuttings. You can divide the plant while repotting, or cut and place small shoots in pots individually. If propagating in water, you should change the water every 7 days, else it will decay. However, home growers do not propagate Aglaonemas generally.


Potting And Repotting

Repotting is required only once in two or three years, as Aglaonemas are slow and low growing plants. Their branches will be revealed very slowly. Once your Aglaonemas are grown full and bushy in your pots, you may consider repotting the plants.



Aglaonema species are evergreen perennials, flowering plants belonging to the Arum family, Araceae. There are about 20 species which come under the Aglaonema genus. These are differentiated according to their size, shape, color and leaf patterns.  These ornamental plants are known as ‘luck bringing’ plants for centuries. They are dark green, large-leaved plants with glossy, oval leaves. Some varieties have deep pink foliages. It grows 1 to 2 feet in length. It survives mostly in humid climates. It can tolerate dry air too, if you keep it from cold air. 


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