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Do not place orchids in dark places. Always keep in places where it gets bright indirect sunlight for its healthy growth. If the leaves are green enough, the plant is receiving sufficient sunlight. Instead, if you find the leaves too dark in color, it is an indicator that the plant is not receiving sufficient light and water. 



Once in 2 days

Orchids don't demand more water. Hence water the plant whenever you find their roots dry. Water the plants once in 2 days during winter and once in a day during summer. Also, make sure the water is drained off through the holes below. Do not water the leaves or flowers as it may affect the plants by resulting in yellowing of the leaves or their flower life.


Potting Mix

Orchids should be given a natural environment to thrive. Coconut fibre, clay tile and charcoal chunks can serve as an excellent potting mix for orchids. In addition, there should be enough gap provided for the roots to get sufficient breathing space and the water to drain off. 



You may apply both organic or inorganic fertilizers on orchid plants. But the most crucial part is that these plants demand fertilizers only in ‘balanced’ amounts. If applied in excess, it may affect the effective growth of plants’ roots and shoots. You may apply fertilizers once in every week. But just spraying the fertilizers in a mild amount would suffice for these plants. If you are looking for organic fertilizers, you may try applying cow dung liquid fertilizer, chickpea fertilizer or liquid fertilizer formulated from coconut water. While using any of these, the fertilizer should be well-diluted with water. The diluted water should be double the amount of the fertilizer used. Organic fertilizers should be used during summer and inorganic fertilizers during the rainy season. More importantly, water the plant before applying any fertilizer. And while applying the fertilizer, apply it on the roots, shoots and leaves, except the flowers. 


Common Issues and Solutions

Fungal, bacterial leaf spots, and pests are some of the common issues with orchids. Leaf spots are the result of excess water or cold temperature. Viral infections can be treated with fungicides. For this, cut the affected portion of the leaf and apply the fungicide powder at the cut edge of the leaves. For pest control, you can try applying isopropyl alcohol on the plant. 




Orchids can be propagated by division. You may cut a large section of the plant and replant them. Always ensure that the one you have selected has enough healthy pseudobulbs or canes. While replanting, you may seal the new divisions with bags to seal the moisture, or apply rooting hormones. Also, remember to keep it out of  direct sunlight and mist them daily. It may however take some time for the plant to cope with the new environment. 



Orchids can be repotted once in every few years, whenever your plants’ roots get crowded and push up from the pot. While repotting, lift the plant as a whole without damaging the roots which are fragile. Also, remember not to place the plant too deeply hiding its roots. Ensure that you put the potting mix only up to the level at which the upper roots are seen. Otherwise it may affect the plant’s growth. 


Blooming Tips

If you follow the following tips, you can maintain its blooming vigor. Do not keep it in direct sunlight. Instead keep it in places where they get indirect bright light. Keep it in a place where there is enough air circulation and sufficient indirect light. Sunshades and balconies are an ideal option. Do not water excessively. Water whenever you find the roots dry. During winter, once in 2 days would do. Ensure that the water is drained out through the holes of the pot. 

Generally, chemical fertilizers are used for orchids. There are 2 types of the same. One is meant for the plants which are in the growth process  (Green Care fertilizer -NPK level-30:10:10 ) and the other is meant for flowering (Miracle fertilizer -NPK level-13:27:27). While applying fertilizers, you should take care not to apply the former one on the matured plants which is to flower or the latter ones on newly budding plants. The fertilizers meant for flowering should be applied on ‘matured plants’, after 6 months of its growth, after the leaves, shoots and aerial roots are shown. 



Orchids are perennial plants that grow attached to the trees rather than in soil. There are nearly 1000 genera and 25000 species of orchids which come with  distinctive features. A single plant can bear many flowers. Their blooms are mostly colorful and fragant. These plants are generally seen in the tropical regions of Africa. Hence the home growers should take care to provide a similar living atmosphere for your plants. These are generally easier to care for if such requirements are rightly met. They thrive even in sudden temperature or humidity changes.

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